UCLA Anderson School of Management
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Home Education, Human Resources, Privacy
Invasion and Health
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Human Rights Active
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BILL CLINTON APOLOGIZES for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
1. Introduction:
This society is becoming more and more bio-terrorist each and every day with the EM
weapons and the illegal privacy invasion of the communities around the world. These types of
weapons that are causing slavery to be practiced even after Mississippi ratified the amendment in
1995. This illegal privacy torture invasion is to criminalization victims who believe that we have
rights to found families and to exercise our rights as citizens of the United States of America. With
the families of freedom being attacked by the illegal privacy torture technology to steal the life force
of each and every individual in the world by using terrorist tactics to do so. These types of EM
weapons allow the terrorist to stalk and harass daily by using illegal threats and blackmail tactics
if the weaponry doesn’t kill you in the first hour.
THE BODY ELECTRIC: The Body Electric is the place where the intrusions occur with the mind
and body and soul. This is being the hacking take place in the body to copy, steal or plant
information from the individuals that has been targeted by illegal privacy invasion. The abilities of
individuals are being stolen by the magnetic field that is in our body. The body is being hacked at
about 5,600 to 30,000 thousand times a second to attempt murder are to control the mind, body and
soul of the victims who they have chosen to illegally subject experimentation on. It is difficult to
estimate just how many Americans are being watched by satellites, but if there are 200 working
surveillance satellites (a common number in the literature), and if each satellite can monitor 20
human targets, then as many as 4,000 Americans may be under satellite surveillance. However, the
capability of a satellite for multiple-target monitoring is even harder to estimate than the number of
satellites; it may be connected to the number of transponders on each satellite, the transponder being
a key device for both receiving and transmitting information. Some may ask how can that be that
someone can hack into the body continually without stopping? The Magnetic Field has been used
to hack into the bodies electric system illegally. The human body generates Bioelectricity more than
120 volts of battery power and more than 25,000 BTU of body heat that is being used to fusion with
the privacy invasion equipment of Artificial Intelligent to get all the energy from us which means
that we would have enough they would be every need. A sampling of the literature provides insight
into this fiendish space-age technology. One satellite firm reports that "one of the original concepts
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for the Brilliant Eyes surveillance satellite system involved a long-wavelength infrared detector focal
plane that requires periodic operation near 10 Kelvin." A surveillance satellite exploits the fact that
the human body emits infra red radiation, or radiant heat; According to William E. Burrows, author
of Deep Black, "the infrared imagery would pass through the scanner and register on the [chargedcouple
device] array to form a moving infrared picture, which would then be amplified, digitalized,
encrypted and transmitted up to one of the [satellite data system] spacecraft...for downlink [to
earth]." But opinion differs as to whether infrared radiation can be detected in cloudy conditions.
According to one investigator, there is a way around this potential obstacle: "Unlike sensors that
passively observe visible-light and infra-red radiation, which are blocked by cloud cover and largely
unavailable at night, radar sensors actively emit microwave pulses that can penetrate clouds and
w o r k a t a n y h o u r . " h t t p : / / w w w . m i n d j u s t i c e . o r g / e m r 1 3 . ht m
US News & World Report, Jan3/Jan 10 2000, Page 67,"Reading your mind and injecting
smart thoughts", John Norseen, " The Lockheed Martin neuroengineer hopes to turn the
"electrohypnomentalophone," a mind reading machine...into science fact. Norseen's interest in the
brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would
revolutionize the military and society at large. The former Navy pilot coined the term "BioFusion"
to cover his plans to map and manipulate gray matter, leading (he hopes) to advances in medicine,
national security, and entertainment. BioFusion would be able to convert thoughts into computer
commands, predicts Norseen, by deciphering the brain's electrical activity. electromagnetic
pulsations would trigger the release of the brain's own neurotransmitters to fight off disease, enhance
learning, or alter the mind's visual images, creating what Norseen has dubbed "synthetic reality."
...The key is finding "brain prints."
"Think of your hand touching a mirror," explains Norseen. "It leaves a fingerprint."
BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using mathematical models. "Just like you
can find one person in a million through fingertips," he says, "you can find one thought in a million.
"It sounds crazy, but Uncle Sam is listening. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army's National ground Intelligence
center have all awarded small basic research contracts to Norseen, who works for Lockheed Martin's
Intelligent Systems Division. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts--
portions of them classified--comes through. Norseen's theories are grounded in current science. ...By
viewing a brain scan recorded by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine, scientists can tell
what the person was doing at the time of the recording--say, reading or writing. Emotions from love
to hate can be recognized from the brain's electrical activity. "It this research pans out, says Norseen,
"you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it." Thought police.
He has submitted a research-and -development plan to the Pentagon, at its request, to identify a
terrorist's mental profile. A miniaturized brain-mapping device inside an airport metal detector would
screen passengers' brain patterns against a dictionary of brain prints. Norseen predicts profiling by
brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking
software and American brain-mapping break-through to allow that communication to take place in
a less invasive way. A modified helmet could record a pilot's brain waves. ...If the pilot misheard
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instructions to turn 090 degrees and was thinking 080 degrees," the helmet would detect the error,
then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves. If this research pans out, say Norseen, "you
can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it."
Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control
Technology, Claims FBI considered Testing on Koresh", by Mark Tapscott, "In a series of closed
meetings beginning March 17 in suburban Northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow
Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian's decade-long research on a
computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person's mind without
that person being aware of the source of the thought. ...Officials from the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) were also present, according to the source. ...The memo went on to note that meeting
attendees were also interested in whether "psycho-correction detection, decoding and countermeasures
programs should be undertaken by the U.S."
Skinplex is a new commercial technology that uses the human body as a conductor of data.
According to an article in EE Times, the developers, German start-up Ident Technoogy AG, hope
to compete with RFID, Bluetooth, and Near Field Communications (NFC) for some applications:
Skinplex technology could be used between an identifier worn on the user's body and a
receiver integrated into a car, for example. A distinct code is transmitted through touch, the
receiver recognizes its dedicated, authorized sender, and the car door is opened, for example.
This reminds me of the Personal Area Network research at MIT's Media Lab in the mid-1990s. Neil
Gershenfeld and Thomas Zimmerman demonstrated a system where two people could trade
electronic business cards by shaking hands. Link (via Carlo Longino at TheFeature
The 2002 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, has elaborated on
Dr. Becker's research as described in his 1985 book, The Body Electric; Electromagnetism
and the Foundation of Life. One example of Dr. Becker's research, page 238 of Body
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We also found that we could work backward, using the [brain] currents to produce
anesthesia. A strong enough magnetic field oriented at right angles to a current magnetically
'clamped' it, stopping the flow. By placing frogs and salamanders between poles of an
electromagnet so that the back to front current in their heads was perpendicular to the
magnetic lines of force, we could anesthetize the animals just as well as we could with
chemicals, and EEG recordings of magnetic and chemical anesthesia were identical. We got
the same effect by passing a current through the brain from front to back, canceling out the
normal current of waking consciousness, as in electrosleep.
The 2002 Converging Technologies Report is now proposing similar research thirty years later. Page
355-6 of the report;
Non-drug Treatments for Enhancement of Human Performance, Robert Asher, Sandia
Drug companies spend an average of $800 million to develop new drugs that may have
negative side effects. An alternative is to develop non-drug approaches to human
performance enhancement. ...Consider the use of externally applied, non-dangerous
electromagnetic fields ...that enhance human performance.
...What other changes can be engineered by a specifically shaped electromagnetic pulse that
might enhance human performance without pharmaceuticals? ...This investigation may
spawn a new industry in which the human is enhanced by externally applied electromagnetic
pulses so shaped as to enhance specific biochemical changes within the body without drugs...
Fund work towards the goal of understanding in detail the effects of electromagnetics on
cellular systems and on cognition. Consider cellular electrochemical and structural changes
and actions imposed by electromagnetics. Fund work towards electromagnetic and
biochemical dynamical modeling of cellular systems in order to both understand
electromagnetic and biochemical aspects, as well as to optimize the shape of electromagnetic
pulses to impose desired cell changes without inducing side effects.
Nonthermal bioeffects research was rarely openly discussed by the US government during the cold
war. Not so, thirty years later; now government funding of research similar to Dr. Becker's animal
experiments and recommendations for father exploration of nonthermal bioeffects are plainly
evident. The actual funding of electromagnetic technologies for keeping soldiers and pilots awake
and alert for up to five days at a time by 'zapping' their brain with electromagnetic energy was
reported by The Telegraph, January 6, 2003, Scientists seek 'super-soldiers' formula. The article
quoted Jan Walker, spokesman for Darpa, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), who
confirmed funding of this research at Columbia University, New York, Neurological Science
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The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite.
The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for "Iris" satellite tracking
(infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as "transmitters". In the case of brain wave
monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information
to conduct a "conversation" where audible Neurophone input is "applied" to the victim.
Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver
those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, U.S.A., Israel, etc which have a speed of 20
BILLION bits/sec each. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. Eventually
they will monitor almost everyone...worse than any Orwellian "Big Brother" nightmare you could
possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing.
Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying
Neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then
the human monitors comment or respond verbally. Both are facilitated by the Neurophone.
NB Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victims own
thought processes oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases.
These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent.
To comprehend how terrible such a thorough invasion of privacy can be - imagine being
quizzed on your past as you lie in bed. You eventually fall off to sleep, having personal or
"induced" dreams, only to wake to the monitors commenting / ridiculing your subconscious
thoughts (dreams).
If the ability to "brain scan" individuals expands from the million or so currently under
scrutiny to include ALL inhabitants of the planet (as per the Echelon surveillance system
which already monitors ALL private/commercial telecommunications) then no-one will ever
be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New
World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing
that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most
oppressive/invasive means).
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This National Geographic article examines the fact that radiation can be both highly beneficial to
humans, such as in the treatment of cancer, and wholly devastating, as in nuclear war.
Living With Radiation
By Charles E. Cobb, Jr.
The accelerator pointing at Bonnie Frost's head resembled a ray gun that belonged in the bay of a
spaceship. Outside the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the California sun shone. Inside the vaguely
intimidating accelerator complex, something called a wobbler hummed, creating “doughnuts” of
energy. Soon the electrically charged ions, circling the accelerator's 200-foot diameter a million
times a second, would smash into Mrs. Frost's neck, striking the malignant cells of her chordoma,
a massive tumor engulfing part of her spinal cord. “This is radiation,” Dr. Joseph R. Castro, chief
of radiotherapy, explained, “but it does not cause harmful radioactivity. Not all radiation does.” He
meant that the accelerator particles do not transform into other tissue-damaging or cell-destroying
elements. This plus the fact that the radiation burst peaks precisely on target makes the risk
acceptable. Mrs. Frost looked fragile and vulnerable when strapped into her chair before the
formidable machine. “The first time,” she said smiling, “I burst into tears and wanted to run away.
All I could imagine was Darth Vader arriving. And then in walked little Dr. Castro.” I had met the
slight Dr. Castro earlier. He made a remark that, I have since learned, governs every aspect of living
with radiation: “You're always balancing risks against possible benefits.” Today, after six weeks of
treatment, Mrs. Frost's tumor is under control, as are 80 percent of similar cases treated at the
Berkeley lab. There is no question in her mind about the treatment's value. “People should be proud
of this. It's a good, positive use of our tax dollar ... and I happen to think I'm worth it.” My
satisfaction with this success story conflicted with my feelings a few weeks later in Japan, at the
other pole in the world of radiation. Wang Sung Lee and his wife, Yong Le Bei, sat down before a
desk at Hiroshima's A-Bomb Survivors Relief Department. On the desk in front of the Korean couple
lay a map of Hiroshima with concentric circles indicating half-kilometer increments from the
hypocenter of the first atom bomb ever dropped on a city. If they prove they were directly exposed
to the bomb's radiation, they become eligible for free medical treatment. I wondered why they had
waited until 1988 to present themselves as A-bomb survivors. Mr. Lee explained that they had two
daughters to think of. Although they were born years after the atom-bomb attack, potential husbands
still might think them genetically injured and refuse to marry them; physical imperfection carries a
taint in Japan. So the couple had waited, hoping their daughters would marry. In Japan I found that
social stigma is one of the most widespread and incurable manifestations of radiation's effects.
Radiation. Hardly a word in any language generates more anxiety. And living with radiation can in
fact be frightening. Plants making nuclear-weapons materials also pollute our environment. Three
Mile Island and Chernobyl, as well as other nuclear power plant accidents, have alarmed us. Nuclear
waste is piling up. Yet radiation, coupled with human ingenuity, performs many beneficial works
also: Destroying the malignant cells of Bonnie Frost's tumor, sterilizing medical products and
foodstuffs by killing harmful bacteria, tracking the progress of medicines through the body with
radioisotopes and attacking cancer cells from within, dating archaeological and geologic events by
radioactive decay rates, turning water to steam for electric power, and—soon—detecting plastic
explosives in suitcases. This means that for good or ill, radiation will remain an important part of
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our lives. To live with radiation is indeed to constantly weigh its risks against its benefits.
Everywhere I traveled, I heard this debated. I found that definite answers were elusive, scientific
knowledge worryingly incomplete, and opinion often contradictory. Said Dr. Karl Z. Morgan, an
early pioneer in health physics: “It is incontestable that radiation risks are greater than published.”
But said Dr. Norman C. Rasmussen, a nuclear engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
“There is a lot of evidence that low radiation doses not only don't cause harm but may in fact do
some good. After all, humankind evolved in a world of natural low-level radiation.” Said Richard
Guimond of the Environmental Protection Agency: “We can't avoid living in a sea of radiation.”
Almost all this exposure—some 82 percent in the U. S.—comes from natural sources. Cosmic and
solar rays keep up a steady drizzle of gamma rays and heavy particles; solar storms vastly intensify
these showers. Earth's atmosphere shields us from most celestial radiation; persons living at sea level
receive far less than, say, residents of mile-high Denver. Additional radiation emanates from rocks,
soils, and groundwater. A common radioactive element is radium, one of whose decay products,
radon, causes mounting concern. Indeed our entire ecosystem hums with low levels of radiation, and
that includes us: Radiation originates within our bodies, particularly with the decay of radioactive
potassium in our muscles. Man-made radiation—the other 18 percent—comes from everyday
sources, primarily from medical X rays. Radioactive sensors activate 26 million household smoke
detectors. Uranium gives the gleam to false teeth. Mantles in camping lanterns emit radiation. But
just what is radiation anyway? Although the term is broad enough to include sunlight and heat, radio
waves and microwaves, it is most often used to mean ionizing radiation. Every radioactive substance
contains unstable atoms, or radionuclides. They want to become something else—something
stable—so they change or decay. With each change energy is released. A radionuclide may transform
itself many times before becoming stable. An atom of radioactive uranium 238 goes through 14
changes before stabilizing as lead 206. These sequences are known as decay chains. That energy—or
radiation—produces charged particles or ions from once neutral particles. If body tissue and cells
become ionized, abnormalities in DNA can result. Cancer and birth defects can also result from
exposure to ionizing radiation. Some radiation takes the form of particles: alpha and beta. Some
comes in the form of high-energy electromagnetic waves: X rays and gamma rays. And there are
neutrons too, some emitted by devices humans make. The energy of radiation moves invisibly. That
helps account for the fear it instills. I saw evidence of radiation at Sandia National Laboratories in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fuel rods of a nuclear reactor were emitting beta particles in
crystal-clear water 30 feet deep. As they slowed down, the particles created a soft blue light known
as Cerenkov radiation. “We keep the water pure,” said nuclear engineer Theodore Schmidt. “You
could drink it.” But I didn't want to. Radiation's power and mystery exacerbate a deep cultural
anxiousness. “Myths have become attached to radiation,” said Dr. Spencer Weart, director of the
Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics. “One of the oldest is ray
symbolism.” Since far back in human history, he explained, rays have been associated with gods,
sometimes illuminating their image, sometimes hurled with destructive force. Death rays, as in the
old Buck Rogers stories—incinerating, transforming, enslaving—have filled science-fiction novels.
And the coming of nuclear weapons has reinforced the old imagery. “So long as people worry about
nuclear destruction,” said Dr. Weart, “radiation will cause anxiety.” Further, secrecy has shrouded
many radiation projects. And with the secrecy have come suspicion and anger, particularly in matters
of health and public safety. “You go to bed with aches and pains, and the doctors can't tell you
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anything. Suddenly you discover you have cancer here, cancer there, and you didn't even know about
it. And you wonder, ‘What the hell is going on here?’” Bob Grix is one of an estimated 200,000
military veterans who participated in atmospheric nuclear testing. Some 20,000 engaged in troop
maneuvers near ground zero soon after test shots. Another 160,000 “atomic veterans” were part of
the U. S. occupation forces in and around Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945-46. Some Americans,
according to a congressional report, were used as “nuclear guinea pigs.” They were deliberately
injected with uranium and plutonium in experiments sponsored by predecessors of the Department
of Energy. Sometimes experimenters even fed subjects fallout from an atom-bomb test, had them
breathe radioactive air, had some eat radioactive fish. In all, more than a million Americans have
been exposed to greater-than-normal amounts of radiation: workers in weapons facilities, hospital
technicians, “downwinders” from the Nevada Test Site, uranium miners. In December the
Department of Energy reported and ranked in terms of hazard 155 cases of contamination at 16
weapons plants and labs. In one of the worst cases, at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory,
radioactive waste has fouled the Snake River aquifer. Civilians have filed many claims against the
government, most of them so far unsuccessful. Of the legislation introduced in Congress on behalf
of possibly exposed populations, the most important seeks to amend a law that forbids holding the
federal government liable in radiation cases involving national policy.
An unresolved scientific issue lies at the root of all these cases. How much radiation is too much?
The answer affects how we will live with radiation in the future. The effects of radiation are
determined by the amount, or dose, received, by the kind of radiation, and by where and how the
body is irradiated. The amount of radiation absorbed per gram of body tissue is expressed in rad.
That term is being replaced by a new international unit known as a gray (1 gray = 100 rad). Any dose
must be weighted for damage potential. This is expressed in rem. The international unit is a sievert
(1 sievert = 100 rem). The effects of large amounts of radiation are well-known. A dose of 10,000
rem will kill quickly, through damage to the central nervous system. A dose of 300 rem delivered
to the whole body is lethal about 50 percent of the time. Between 300 and 100 rem, radiation injury
is probable.
© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
More than a collection of atoms and molecules, the body is electrodynamic in nature. Within the
body's biomagnetic field, cellular activity is regulated by the harmonious flow of electrical impulses.
It seems reasonable to believe that externally generated fields foreign to our natural environment
could be disruptive to our biomagnetic field. If this is the case, we would expect that being
bombarded by various frequencies and intensities of man-made EMFs could alter cellular activity
in ways not necessarily beneficial to health.
The twentieth century has seen the appearance of new therapeutic methods that work with the body
as an electrodynamic system, so-called energy medicine. Though largely ignored or suppressed in
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the U.S., energy medicine is widely practiced with success in Europe and other countries. The body's
ability to be healed by electromagnetic energy has been known since at least the 19th century. One
of the pioneering geniuses in electronics, Nikola Tesla, conducted research into the effects of
electromagnetic waves on living cells which he reported in 1889. Experiments done in the 1920s
showed that plant tumors could be destroyed by radio frequencies. In the 1930s, Royal R. Rife
invented a machine which used radio frequencies to destroy cancer cells in humans. (Few people
have even heard of Rife. When reports of clinical successes using Rife's technology began receiving
national attention, his discoveries, which might have heralded a new era in medical treatment, were
ruthlessly suppressed, and remain so to this day.)
If the fundamental nature of living organisms is electrodynamic, and if, as the discoveries of Rife
and others have shown, electromagnetic energy can be harnessed for healing purposes, does it follow
that these energies bombarding us daily have ill effects on health? Research has already found that
electromagnetic fields do indeed alter cellular activity in numerous ways. According to Thomas S.
Tenforde, a leading scientist and researcher in environmental health with the Department of Energy,
A glaring omission in the executive summary of the OARU panel report is the failure to mention
recent advances in understanding the molecular-level events that occur in cells exposed to ELF
fields. These events include alterations in membrane functional properties ... and altered gene
expression. Research at UCLA has demonstrated changes in the brain cell activity and behavior of
animals exposed to electromagnetic fields. Other studies have found that human cancer cells exposed
to electromagnetic radiation in the test tube grow more quickly than normal, and resist destruction
by the immune system.
One of the keys to understanding how EMFs can influence the body may lie in the pineal gland, a
tiny organ located at the center of the brain.
By Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
Techno-Net is the protest form of the 1990s -- picketing on the information highways. For example,
a fast-growing assortment of men and women around the world are using the InterNet (started by the
U.S. military for information transfer-and-exchange that would never be interfered with) to draw
attention to a questionable military project in Alaska. Now these InterNetting, e-mailing, faxing folks
are blowing holes in the Department of Defense secrecy wall, by using the government's own system.
The printed-word part of the protest started when Dennis Specht, an anti-nuclear activist then living
in Alaska, sent a news item to Nexus on the topic of HAARP --- the High frequency Active Auroral
Research Program. Then an Alaskan political activist and science researcher in Anchorage, Nick
Begich, networked with Patrick and Gael Crystal Flanagan, who are self-described TechnoMonks
living in Sedona, Arizona, and was told to check out that same Australian-based magazine. Begich
was surprised to see an item from his hometown in Nexus, and immediately headed to the local
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library to dig out the documents cited in the article. That research led to articles and the book,
Angels Don't Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, which is 230 pages of detailed
information on this intrusive project. This article will only give highlights. Despite the amount of
research (350 footnotes), at its heart it is a story about ordinary people who took on an extraordinary
HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an
advanced model of an "ionospheric heater". (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere
surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40- to 600 miles above Earth's
surface.) Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antennas send out
signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming
technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas.
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications
for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly -- HAARP aims to
learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes". Communicating with
submarines is only one of those purposes.
As far back as 1958, the chief White House advisor on weather modification, Captain Howard T.
Orville, said the U.S. defense department was studying "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth
and sky and so affect the weather" by using an electronic beam to ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere
over a given area. In 1966, Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald was associate director of the Institute
of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, was a member of
the President's Science Advisory Committee, and later a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality. He published papers on the use of environmental-control technologies for
military purposes. MacDonald made a revealing comment:
"The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of environmental instabilities to which the
addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy." Worldrecognized
scientist MacDonald had a number of ideas for using the environment as a weapon
system and he contributed to what was, at the time, the dream of a futurist. When he wrote his
chapter, "How To Wreck The Environment", for the book Unless Peace Comes, he was not kidding
around. In it he describes the use of weather manipulation, climate modification, polar ice cap
melting or destabilization, ozone depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control
and brain wave manipulation using the planet's energy fields. He also said that these types of
weapons would be developed and, when used, would be virtually undetectable by their victims. Is
HAARP that weapon? The military's intention to do environmental engineering is well documented.
U.S. Congress' subcommittee hearings on Oceans and International Environment looked into military
weather and climate modification conducted in the early 1970's. "What emerged was an awesome
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picture of far-ranging research and experimentation by the Department of Defense into ways
environmental tampering could be used as a weapon," said another author cited in Angels Don't Play
This HAARP. The revealed secrets surprised legislators. Would an inquiry into the state of the art
of electromagnetic manipulation surprise lawmakers today? They may find out that technologies
developed out of the HAARP experiments in Alaska could deliver on Gordon MacDonald's vision,
because leading-edge scientists are describing global weather as not only air pressure and thermal
systems, but also as an electrical system.
HAARP zaps the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable. A point to remember is that the
ionosphere is an active electrical shield protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of
high-energy particles from space. This conducting plasma, along with Earth's magnetic field, traps
the electrical plasma of space and holds it back from going directly to the earth's surface, says
Charles Yost of Dynamic Systems, Leicester, North Carolina. "If the ionosphere is greatly disturbed,
the atmosphere below is subsequently disturbed.". Another scientist interviewed said there is a
super-powerful electrical connection between the ionosphere and the part of the atmosphere where
our weather comes onstage, the lower atmosphere. One man-made electrical effect - power line
harmonic resonance - causes fallout of charged particles from the Van Allen (radiation) belts, and
the falling ions cause ice crystals (which precipitate rain clouds).
The heaven and earth were created on the first with the space time dimension which to manifest his
own creativity not the stellar of heaven the stars. Heaven is a plural, singular. NASA has seem lately
with the accretion of details as the three dimensioned the universe from the hubble telescope and
early work meeting out the fabric of space in which to put the stellar heavens. When God created
the earth and gave it a name the name meant that he had futuristic plans for the earth because it was
the second thing that was created the earth was. The earth was a sphere of water but water by design
the molecules of water operate in random fashion it that was not the case springs would freeze from
bottom up life would not be possible. Let there be light this, light covered all the universes as it
flooded the universe. That light was the radiant glory of the creator expressing himself in his
perfectly an orchestration’s space time dimensions from that light science are realizing now from the
energy of nothing but pure light all the universe has materialized in all that is in tangible from in the
universe. That’s why we saying in him we live and move and have our being, every partial of our
body from the tiny charge of electrons and neutron partials are from the radiants of the creator this
is why we praise him.
Hebrew 11, Isaiah 40:12
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In a Nuclear Physicist statement the entry of his word bringest light and the spirit of man is the
candle of the Lord. The sphere of water each tiny little water H2O molecules has a little electro
magnetic field and is dipolar it is negative and positive charge it operate as its own enmity or energy.
The water operate in a random tenancy unless the is an over riding influences of energy the spirit of
God moved upon the face of the waters or hovering like a hen over its eggs the energy of that hen
is transfused into the eggs into the chicks. The spirit of God for a limit of time overcoming the
normal pattern of the water molecule for a random tenancy hovered over the face of the water the
entire volume of the surface and if you line it all up water as we do with a electric charge adding
energy from the source then the entire volume of water takes on and electro magnetic field
conmention to the sun total of all the separate water molecules, automatically by the very laws that
God was instilling in cosmos it self automatically and he interdicted energy the total volume took
on a magnetic field.
Genesis 1:6 Day 2
The firmament suspended about 10 miles around the earth. Every day we use up the magnetic field.
The brain of man assimilate every second of day sending 100 million signals every second to our
body cells. The firmament filtered out the UV rays and recharged the magnetic field. The firmament
or raqiya in HEBREW and the magnetic field is in pre decay so we need something to restore it.
Learns Livermore national laboratory put hydrogen under cryogenic cuomstand compress that
hydrogen and added energy when he did that hydrogen bonded into a crystalline became a metal it
was crystal metal transparent except tiny little grains in it compressed the most because super
conductive and OPEC super conductive material levitated over a magnet. So the light energy can
come right throw it the mid spectrum and long radiation can come throw it the amazing thing is it
can a simulate the short range radiation to reenergize the field. So God designed this special system
that firmament canopy above the earth and charged hydrogen in that canopy would glow pink. This
short range radiation is what we call UV rays or ultraviolet rays and it would pickup the music light
have music a viviory cycle.
Scientists have found that stars give off music but they can’t hear it there can see the waves. The
word of God said in Job 38:7 that the stars sing. The morning stars still sing to do NASA have
recorded them Jeremiah 51:15-16 ,10:10-13
Most metals in its purees state is transparent when the men when to moon they walked on it and had
thin layers or gold on the viser transparent gold. To look through that gold and protect them from
shortwave radiation. The firmament rose over the magnetic field.
Isaiah 35:10 Will be went they restore the firmament. The magnetic field that was created on day
one the engine of life the crystalline magnetic hydrogen firmament that surrounded the earth was
super conductive floated over the magnetic field. The magnetic field is the engine that drive every
cell of every living creature all cellular communications is electromagnetic for a cell to
communications it self and with the other cells and the organ that inkabtes it there must be a
electromagnetic energy we could not be born physically if it wasn’t for what the holy spirit done on
Page 14
day number one he hovered on the face of the deep causing the electromagnetic field all life
processes depend on that magnetic field cell division and cellularmatosis depend on the magnetic
field. Let there be light at UCLA with in the pass year a scientist took a glass of water an he
bombarded that flash of water with sound to his amazement that vibratory sound with the water
imcapturalated sound in that sphere are sour generated a bubble and then expanded again. Then the
bubble pulsated and collapsed generated a full spectrum of light.
Psalms 104 The space time dimensions.
With in resent months the hubble have found through the telescope that when you have an activity
regarding energy and molecular that you automatically generate hydrogen atoms from the energy as
you have water electromagnetic field and there hydrogen already generated a working on the
Genesis 1:3-5 God divided the light from the darkness in order for light as a source to have a respect
to darkness that sphere of water had to be rotating in motion.
by Judy Wall, Editor, Resonance Newsletter
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons are of recent invention. They utilize the various frequencies of the
electromagnetic spectrum to disable or kill the target.
Psychotronic weapons are those EM weapons that interact with the nervous system of the target.
These weapons usually operate in the very low (100 to 1,000 Hz) or extremely low (greater than zero
but less than 100 Hz) frequency ranges. [See note by Eleanor White at end of this document.]
Today a new type of weapon is being touted, the "non-lethal" weapon. The idea behind this is to
spare human life without actually losing the war. These weapons are also earmarked for use in civil
disorders in which the goal is simply crowd control rather than annihilation. Some EM weapons fall
in this category. However, even though these weapons are labelled "non-lethal" does not mean that
they are not harmful, or cannot be lethal under certain conditions.
Paul Bartch mentioned in his letter "Non-Hertzian Waves ...", written in 1992, that there was nothing
mentioned in the report on non-lethal weapons about the Low Frequency EM weapons. Small
wonder. The government has been keeping these weapons to itself in top secrecy classification. Only
recently have they been brought into the public spotlight. The following is an overview of the
development of electromagnetic research as relevant to weapons, as best we are able to put together,
considering the cloak of secrecy that surrounds these weapons.
Page 15
1934 "A method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System", a monograph
by Drs. E. L. Chaffee and R. U. Light
1934 Experiments in Distant Influence, book by Soviet
Professor Leonid L. Vasiliev
Vasiliev also wrote an article, "Critical Evaluation of the Hypogenic
Method" concerning the work of Dr. I. F. Tomashevsky on experiments in remote control of the
1945 After World War II, the Allies discovered the Japanese had been been developing a "death ray"
utilizing very short radio waves focussed into a high power beam. Tests were done on animals. The
Japanese denied ever testing it on humans. (From the Strategic Bombing Survey,
Imperial War Museum, London. Cited with photocopies in "Japanese Death Ray", by Peter Lewis,
Resonance #11, pp 5-9)
1950 The French conducted research on infrasonic weapons. (From "The Road From Armageddon",
by Peter Lewis, Resonance #13, pp 9-14)
1953 John C. Lilly, when asked by the director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
to brief the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National
Security Agency (NSA), and the various military intelligence services on his work using electrodes
to stimulate directly the pleasure and pain centers in the brain, refused.
He said, "Dr. Antione Redmond, using our techniques in Paris, has demonstrated that this method
of stimulation on the brain can be applied to the human without help of the neurosurgeon ... This
means that anybody with the proper apparatus can carry this out covertly, with no external signs that
electrodes have been used in that person. I feel that if this technique got into the hands of a secret
agency, they would have total control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs
extremely quickly, leaving little evidence of what they had done." (From "Mind Control and the
American Government", by Martin Cannon in Lobster #23, pp 2-10. Cannon quites Lilly from his
book, The Scientist, Berkeley, Ronin publishers, 1988, also Bantam Books 1981. Research by Peter
After a statement like that of Dr. Lilly's, how long do you think it would take the agencies, FBI, CIA,
NSA, etc. to contact Dr. Redmond in Paris?
1958, 1962 The U.S. conducts high-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) bomb tests over the
Pacific. (From "The Road From Armageddon" by Peter Lewis.)
Page 16
1960 Headlines read "Khrushchev Says Soviets Will Cut Forces a Third; Sees 'Fantastic Weapon'
". (From article of same title, by Max Frankel, New York Times, Jan. 15, 1960, p 1 as cited in
"Tesla's Electro-magnetics and Its Soviet Weaponization", paper by T. E. Bearden.)
1965 A "Death Ray" weapon was developed by McFarlane Corporation, described as a modulated
electron gun X-ray nuclear booster, could be adapted to communications, remote control and
guidance systems, EM radiation telemetry and death ray. McFarlane claimed NASA stole the patent
in 1965. Reported hearings before the House Subcommittee on Department of Defense
Appropriations, chaired by Rep. George Mahon (Dem. - Texas). (From "Hearing Voices" by Alex
Constantine, Hustler, Jan. 1994, pp 102-104, 113, 120, 134. Research by Harlan Girard.)
1965 "A project in the U.S. called Project Pandora ... was undertakenin which chimpanzees were
exposed to microwave radiation. The man whowas in charge of this project said, 'the potential for
exerting a degree of control on human behaviour by low level microwave radiation seems to
exist' and he urged that the effects of microwaves be studied for 'possible weapons applications' ".
(From "Electromagnetic Pollution: A Little Known Health Hazard. A new means of control?" by
Kim Besley, Great Britain, p 14. Research from Woody Blue.)
1968 Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, science advisor to President Lyndon Johnson, wrote,
"Perturbation of the environment can produce changes in behavioural patterns." He was referring
to low frequency EM waves in the ionosphere affecting human brain wave patterns. (From his book,
Unless Peace Comes, a Scientific Forecast of New Weapons, cited in "New World
Order ELF Psychotronic Tyranny", a paper by C. B. Baker.)
1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Directo, said in his book,
Between Two Ages, weather control was a new weapon that would be the key element of strategy.
"Technology will make available to leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting
secret warfare..." He also wrote "Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead
to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth
... one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large
population in selected regions over an extended period."
(Cited in Baker's "ELF Psychotronic Tyranny" paper.)
1972 The Taser, first electrical shock device developed for use by law enforcement, delivers barbed,
dart shaped electrodes to a subject's body, and 50,000 volt pulses at two millionths of an amp ove
12-14 seconds time. (From "Report onthe Attorney General's Conference on Less Than Lethal
Weapons", by Sherry Sweetman, 1987, p 4, which cites "Non-Lethal Weapons for Law
Enforcement: Research Needs and Priorities. A Report to the National Science Foundation by the
Security Planning Corporation, 1972. Research by Harlan Girard.)
1972 "A U.S. Department of Defense document said that the Army has tested a microwave weapon.
It was an extremely powerful 'electronic flamethrower'. " (From "Electromagnetic Pollution")
Page 17
1972 "A study published by the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center,
titled 'Analysis of Microwaves for Barrier Warfare' examines the plausibility of using radio
frequency energy in barrier counter-barrier warfare ... The report concludes that (a) it is possible to
field a truck-portable microwave barrier system that will completely immobilize personnel in the
open with present day technology, (b) there is a strong potential for a microwave system that would
be capable of delaying or immobilizing personnel in vehicles, (c) with present technology, no
method could be identified for a microwave system to destroy the type of armoured material
common to tanks." (From "Electromagnetic Pollution" by Kim Besly,
p 15, quoting The Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur.)
The report further documents the ability to create third-degree burns on human skin using 3
Gigahertz at 20 watts/square centimeter in two seconds.
1972 Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and
International Environment, concerning low frequency research: "The basic notion there was to create
between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting
layers of the surface of the Earth this neutral cavity, to create waves, electrical waves that would be
tuned to the brainwaves ... about ten cycles per second ... you can produce changes in behavioural
patterns or in responses." (From Baker's "ELF Psychotronic Tyranny" paper.)
1973 Sharp and Grove transmit audible words via microwaves [EW: That is, voice to SKULL] (See
"Synthetic Telepathy" in this issue of Resonance [EW: On my web site, the relevant paragraphs of
Judy's source article are transcribed in: v2succes.htm ]
1975 - 1977 "Unpublished analyses of microwave bioeffects literature were disseminated to the U.S.
Congress and to other officials arguing the case for remote control of human behavior by radar."
(From the Journal of Microwave Power, 12(4), 1977, p320. Research by Harlan Girard.)
1978 Hungarians presented a state-of-the-art paper on infrasonic weapons to the United Nations,
"Working Paper on Infrasound Weapons", United Nations CD/575, 14 Aug 1978. (From "The Road
From Armageddon" by Peter Lewis.)
1981 - 1982 "Between 1981 and September 1982, the Navy commissioned me to investigate the
potential of developing electromagnetic devices that could be used as non-lethal weapons by the
Marine Corp for the purpose of 'riot control', hostage removal, clandestine operations, and so on."
Eldon Byrd, Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring MD. (From "Electromagnetic
Pollution" by Kim Besly, p 12.)
1982 Electromagnetic weapons for law enforcement use in Great Britain: A 10-30 Hz strobe light
which can produce seizures, giddiness, nausea, and fainting was developed by Charles Bovill of the
now defunct British firm, Allen International. Addition of sound pulses in the 4.0 - 7.5 Hz range
increases effectiveness, as utilized in the Valkyrie, a "frequency" weapon advertised in British
Defense Equipment Catalogue until 1983.
Page 18
The squawk box or sound curdler uses two loudspeakers of 350 watt output to emit two slightly
different frequencies which combine in the ear to produce a shrill shrieking noise. The U.S. National
Science Foundation report says there is "severe risk of permanent impairment of hearing."
(From "Electropollution" by Kim Besley, citing the Manchester City Council Police Monitoring Unit
1982 Air Force review of biotechnology:
"Currently available data allow the projection that specially generated radiofrequency radiation
(RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats. Electroshock
therapy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning
for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response
over prolonged intervals.
"... impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable
of directing and/or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100
milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a
speed-of-light weapons effect.
"A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area."
(From Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through
the Year 2000. AFOSR-TR-82-0643, vol 1,and vol 2, 30 July 1982. See below.)
1986 "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" by Captain Paul Tyler, MC, USN
quotes the above passage and further elaborates on the theme. (Published in Low Intensity Conflict
and Modern Technology Lt. Col. David J. Dean, USAF, ed., Air University Press, Maxwell AFB,
AL.Research by Harlan Girard.)
1983 Nikolai Khokhlov, a Soviet KGB agent who defected to the West in 1976, interviews recently
arrived scientists and reports: "The Soviet mind- control program is run by the KGB with unlimited
funds." (From The Spectator, Feb 5, 1983, reported in "New World Order Psychotronic Tyranny"
by C. B. Baker.)
1984 "USSR: New Beam Energy Possible?", possibly associated with early Soviet weather
engineering efforts over the U.S. (From "Tesla's Electromagnetics and Its Soviet Weaponization"
by T. E. Bearden.)
1985 Women in the peace camps at Greenham Common began showing various medical symptoms
believed to be caused by EM surveillance weapons beamed at them. (See "Zapping: The New
Weapon of the Patriarchy", Resonance #13, pp 22-24. Research by Woody Blue.)
Page 19
1986 Attorney General's Conference on Less Than Lethal Weapons. Reviews current weapons
available, most date back to 1972: the Taser, the Nova XR-5000 Stun Gun (can interrupt a
pacemaker); the Talon, a glove with an electrical pulse generator; the Source, a flashlight with
electrodes at the base. These devices are useful only at close range, except for the Taser,
and are generally restricted to correctional institutions.
Photic driving strobe lights tested by one conference delegate on 100 subjects, produced discomfort.
Closed eyelids to not block the effect. Evidence that ELF produces nausea and disorientation.
Suggestion to develop fast acting electrosleep inducing EM weapon.
Discusses problem of testing weapons on animals and human "volunteers". (From "Report on the
Attorney General's Conference on Less Than Lethal Weapons", by Sherry Sweetman, March 1987,
prepared for the National Institute of Justice. Research by Harlan Girard.)
How many of you will volunteer to get zapped by 50,000 volts from this little Taser gun we're
1988 The Pentagon is ordered by courts to cease EMP tests at several locations due to a lawsuit filed
by an environmental group. (From The Washington Post, May 15, 1988, see "US and Soviets
Develop Death Ray", Resonance 11, p 10. Research by Remy Chevalier.)
1992 December. "The U.S. Army's Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center is
conducting a one-year study of ACOUSTIC BEAM TECHNOLOGY ... the command awarded the
one year study to Scientific Applications and Research Associates of Huntington Beach CA. Related
research is conducted at the Moscow based Andreev Institute." (From "U.S. Explores Russian Mind
Control Technology", by Barbara Opal, Defense News, Jan 11-17, 1993. Research by Harlan Girard
and others.)
1993 The Russian government is offering to share with the United States in a bilateral Center for
Psychotechnologies the Soviet mind-control technology developed during the 1970s. The work was
funded by the Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy.
"Acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via static or white
noise bands into the human subconscious ...". The Russian experts, among them former KGB
General George Kotov, present in a paper a list of software and hardware available for $80,000.
(From Opal article, "U.S. Explores Russian Mind Control Technology".)
[EW Comment: Circa 1996, I came across an advertisement by way of a Yahoo search on mind
control for "A genuine mind control device, $80,000, FOB Singapore, from Gunderson
International." Ring any bells? Could not get the ad to display again.]
1993 February 28, beginning of 51 day siege on the Branch Davidians at Waco Texas, which ended
Page 20
in the death of more than 80 people.
Until this incident, the electromagnetic weapons had kept a very low profile. But in the documentary
video, "Waco: The Big Lie Continues", footage from the British Broadcasting (BBC) shows at least
three EM weapons used by U.S. government agents. First, the noise generators used against the
Davidians. Second, a powerful strobe light, shown during a nighttime sequence. And the third was
the Russian psychoacoustic weapon, considered, but agents deny use of this weapon against the
Waco people. FBI agents met with Dr. Igor Smirnov in Arlington VA to discuss the possiblility of
using the weapon against the Davidians. (From "A Subliminal Dr. Strangelove", by Dorinda Elliot
and John Barry, Newsweek, Aug 22, 1994)
By Cheryl Welsh
This timeline will demonstrate the US government and the military industrial complex involvement
and the state of the technology from several independent unclassified reliable sources. This is a
sample of the sources of information on this topic. These topics need further investigation.
From Cybernetics by Norbert Weiner, Weiner is the originator of cybernetics. New York Times
wrote this comment about the book. "One of the most influential books of the twentieth century...
Cybernetics was judged by twenty-seven historians, economists, educators, and philosophers to be
one of those books published during the "past four decades," which "most significantly altered the
direction of our society..."
A quote from this book, "This existence of sharp frequencies in brain waves and the theories which
I gave to explain how they are originated, what they can do, and what medical use may be made of
them represent in my mind an important and new breakthrough in physiology. Similar ideas can be
used in many other places in physiology and can make a real contribution to the study of the
fundamentals of life phenomena."
The book further states: "The neclkeus of our meetings has been the group that had assembled in
Princeton in 1944, but Drs. McCulloch and Fremont-Smith have rightly seen the psychological and
sociological implications of the subject and have co-opted into the group a number of leading
Page 21
psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists. The need of including psychologists had indeed
been obvious from the beginning. He who studies the nervous system cannot forget the mind, and
he who studies the mind cannot forget the nervous system.
Weiner also writes, "I had known for a considerable time that if a national emergency should come,
my function in it would be determined largely by two things: my close contact with the program of
computing machines developed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, and my own joint work with Dr. Yuk Wing
Lee on the design of electric networks.
And finally, "Dr. Rosenblueth at a meeting held in New York in 1942, under the auspices of the
Josiah Macy Foundation, and devoted to problems of central inhibition in the nervous system.
Among those present at that meeting was Dr. Warren McCulloch of the Medical School of the
University of Illinois, who had already been in touch with Dr. Rosenblueth and myself, and who was
interested in the study of the organization of the cortex of the brain.
In Dr. Becker's book Crosscurrents, 1990, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.,p220 he writes about Dr. Weiner,
"As a result of these comments(fluctuations of magnetic fields of the earth may cause undesirable
behavioral changes), I was contacted by Dr. James Hamer of Northrop Space Laboratories, who
informed me that his group was already involved in this area. He also noted that Dr. Norbert Weiner
of MIT, the originator of cybernetics, had been interested in the same subject. Weiner had been
involved in a German experiment in which human volunteers were unknowingly exposed to a lowintensity,
10-Hz electrical field. The subjects reported feelings of unease and anxiety when the fields
were turned on. Both Hamer and Weiner were working under the assumption the ELF internal
rhythms in the brain were determinants of behavior, and that pulsing external fields could "drive"
these internal rhythms, thereby altering behavior."
Central Intelligence Agency is formed.
From Time," Lost Prisoners of War: "Sold Down the River"? September 30, 1996 p45, House
National Security Subcommittee hear about newly declassified intelligence reports and other
documents and testimony of U.S. Army Colonel Philip Corso and Major General in the Czech army,
Jan Sejna. "There were few doubters"... about the fact that POWs were used as guinea pigs in
experiments. "Sejna testified that the Czechs, on orders from Moscow, built a military hospital in
North Korea during the war. The "secret purpose of the hospital," he said, "was to experiment on
American and South Korean POWS." Prisoners were used to test the effects of "chemical- and
biological-warfare agents," atomic radiation and "various mind-control drugs."
From International Defense Review, Vol 23; No.8, "Biological Weapons; How big a threat?" by Dr.
T White and Dr. K. White, August 1,1990. p843. "The shock of seeing American prisoners of war
denounce their country after they had been brain-washed by their North-Korean and Chinese captors
Page 22
prompted the CIA to launch its now infamous 'MK-Ultra' project. The aim of this research was to
discover the techniques and 'mind-control' drugs being used by the Chinese to subvert their American
prisoners. In the course of the ICA-funded investigation, American and Canadian citizens were used
as guinea pigs in experiments that have been compared with the German medical experiments in the
'death camps'."
From The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford, 1982, Penquin, p15. November 4, 1952. The NSA, a new
federal agency came into existence. "No news coverage, no congressional debate, no press
announcement, not even the whisper of a rumor. Nor could any mention of the new organization be
found in the Government Organization Manuel or the Federal Register or the Congressional Record.
Equally invisible were the new agency's director, its numerous buildings, and its ten thousand
From Electromagnetism and Life, Dr. R.O. Becker, p.227. "The possibility that the Soviet Union
might be ahead of the USA in EM weapon systems has persisted at least since the discovery of the
irradiation of the US Moscow Embassy in 1953." And in the Washington Times, Nov 15, 1992, "The
Russian Government is continuing to bombard the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with microwave
radiation, according to U.S. officials." The pulsed "emanations originate from a residential building
across the street that is believed to be staffed by Russian security officials." In 1976, the Globe
reported that Ambassador Walter Stoessel "developed a rare blood disease similar to leukemia and
was suffering headaches and was suffering bleeding from the eyes. Two of his irradiated
predecessors, Ambassador Charles Bohlen and Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson, died of cancers."
And further, from The Zapping of America, by Paul Brodeur, W.W. Norton and Co., 1977. The
investigation of this "moscow signal" was call Project Pandora and "information about it was
parceled out on a strict "need to know" basis..." "In addition, the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA)-a highly secret organization within the Department of Defense, which was engaged
in developing a wide variety of electromagnetic weaponry, including electronic sensors and other
devices that were designed to detect enemy movement on the Ho Chi Minh Trail and elsewhere in
Vietnam-set up a special laboratory at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, in Washington,
DC where, over a number of years, experiments were conducted in which rhesus monkeys were
irradiated with microwaves at power densities and frequencies similar to those of the Moscow
Signal." (Mr. Brodeur published part of his book in The New Yorker.)
From Washington Post, Aug7 1977, "Psychic Spying? The article discussed Dr. Andrija Puharich.
"His connections with the military/ intelligence communities go back to the eary 1950s when he
worked in the Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare Center at Ft. Detrick, Md., site of the CIA's
now famous shellfish toxin repository. He presented a paper entitled "On the Possible usefulness of
Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare to a Pentagon conference in 1952 and later
Page 23
lectured the Army, Air Force and Navy on other possibilities for mind warfare. Expert in hypnotism
as well as microelectronics, Puharich also invented a miniature tooth radio, reportedly for the CIA."
From The Mind Manipulators, Alan W. Scheflin,1978, Paddington Press, Ltd. p 348, On tracking
humans such as prisoners, he writes, "During the Nixon administration, the United States
government was sufficiently intrigued by the possibilities of tracking (both with and without
ESB,(Electronic Stimulation of the Brain)) to commission a report on the state of the art and the
pertinent law. It chose as its reviewer Ralph K Schwitzgebel, the leading experimenter on tracking,
then a researcher at Harvard University. He reported that tracking was close to being practical and
effective, and that is was legally acceptable."
From Psychic Warfare, Martin Ebon, 1983, McGraw Hill, p12. A (1972) report by Defense
Intelligence Agency stated, "the major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible
capabilities of telepathic communications, telekinetics and bionics is said to come from the Soviet
military and the KGB."
From The Body Electric, Dr. R. O Becker, p321 The following research plan was released under the
Freedom of Information Act. "The experimenter, J.F. Schapitz, stated: "In this investigation it will
be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic
energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain-i.e., without employing any technical
devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence
having a chance to control the information input consciously." As a preliminary test of the general
concept, Schapitz proposed recording the brain waves induced by specific drugs, then modulating
them onto a microwave beam and feeding them back into an undrugged person's brain to see if the
same state of consciousness could be produced by the beam alone."
"...The second experiment was to be the implanting of hypnotic suggestions for simple acts,
like leaving the lab to buy some particular item, which were to be triggered by a suggested
time, spoken word, or sight. Subjects were to be interviewed later. "It may be expected,"
Schapitz wrote, "that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be undertaken out of
their own free will."
And in Lobster Magazine an article by Martin Cannon states: "Schapitz' work was funded by the
Department of Defense. Despite FOIA requests, the results have never been revealed." Further, "His
(Schapitz') instincts on this latter point (rationalizing their behavior) coalesce perfectly with findings
of professional
hypnotists.66 In the same article in footnote 66, "See Bowart p 218 (Operation Mind Control) for
an interesting example. This rationalization process at work in the case of Sirhan Sirhan, who was
convicted of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. In prison, Sirhan was hypnotized by Dr.
Page 24
Bernard Diamond, who instructed Sirhan to climb the bars of his cage like a monkey. He did so.
After the trance was removed, Sirhan was shown tapes of his actions. He insisted that he 'acted like
a monkey' of his own free will-he claimed he wanted the exercise!"
From Crosscurrents, Dr. R.O. Becker, 1990,p224, "Since the mid-1970s, (Jose) Delgado has been
director of the premier Spanish neurophysiological laboratory, Centro Ramon y Cajal. His interest
has shifted from direct electrical stimulation of the brain to the broader area of the biological effects
of electromagnetic fields. He has studied the influence of specific frequencies of magnetic fields on
the behavior and emotions of monkeys, without using any implanted electrodes or radio receivers.
While Delgado did not publish any of this work in the scientific journals, its existence leaked out."
From The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur, 1977, p 300-301. "A report published in the New York
Times on October 30, 1976, revealed that in recent months a mysterious broadband, short-wave radio
signal had been broadcast intermittently from the Soviet Union. The signal was so powerful that it
disrupted radio and telecommunications throughout the world." "Dr. Zaret is concerned about the
Russian signal, ..because of its potential hazard to human beings. was very clear that such an
encoding impressed onto carrier wavelengths could have a central-nervous- system effect."
From Body Electric, Becker 1985, p323. Complaints from the UN International Telecommunications
Union have not stopped the signal. The signal now has holes and skips crucial, (emergency
frequencies for aircraft, etc.) frequencies as it moves up and down the spectrum.
From NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981, p3. David Brinkley states: "As I say I find
it hard to believe, it is crazy and none of us here knows what to make of it: the Russian Government
is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. We do know that
much. And we know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extreme
low frequency radiowaves."
From p13-14, the article further states. "This man's name is William Bise. ...for the past four years
he has traveled the Pacific Northwest monitoring strange radio signals." Garreck Utley asks "To what
extent can you disrupt the mental process, the brain through the use of electronic fields, microwaves?
Bise replies, "Will I would think that the easiest way to do it would be microwaves." Garreck Utley
stated, "Bise has limited equipment but other sources, some of them classified, have traced the
signals to transmitters in the Soviet Union. Those sources will not discuss their work. Bise will."
From Planetary Association for Clean Energy, July 1979, Newsletter by Dr. Andrew Michrowski,
"USSR ELF (extremely low frequency) Emissions." "At least five USSR installations are operating
simultaneously up to 24 hours daily since July 1976, with an intensity of up to 40 million watts. The
installations appear to liase with the highly magnetic MHD apparatus located at Semipalatinsk" Non-
Hertzian, resonant effects are produced. Because of this, their mathematical description is non-linear
Page 25
and based on the physics concepts of soliton—fields that demonstrate prolonged states of existence."
There are psychophysical, and physical effects. The signals have the unique capacity to penetrate
buildings and living tissues. Magnetic intensity (at 500 microgauss) for such frequencies have been
This and other evidence suggests that the Soviet Woodpecker signal "entrain and capture the brains
of the biosystems by placing them in forced sympathetic resonance."
This also corresponds with research of Dr. Ross Adey, of University of California's Brain Research
Institute who conducted research on emf and brainwaves and confirmed that brainwaves could be
entrained to externally generated signals. His work was funded by the U.S. Navy.(The Zapping of
America, Brodeur,p84 and Body electric, Becker, p319)
From Mind Wars by Ron McRae,1984, St. Martin's Press. McRae worked with Jack Anderson. The
book states, "In 1976, the CIA contracted for an exhaustive review of Soviet parapsychology
research by outside experts," The report was titled, "Novel Biological Information Transfer Systems"
by Dr. J.W. Eerkens, et al and Dr. Eerkens "now believes 'the Soviets are actually building prototype
equipment for psychic warfare'.
From Zapping of America,1977, Paul Brodeur,p298. An article in the New York Times, July 20,
1977 stated, "CIA documents revealed that the agency had conducted a fourteen-year program to
control human behavior with drugs, electric shock, radiation, and ultrasonics."
From Psychic Warfare by Martin Ebon,1983, McGraw-Hill, p116-117. "Public evidence for an
attempt at influencing U.S. officials during a visit abroad was presented by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb on
September 21, 1977, during testimony before a Senate sub-committee. Dr. Gottlieb, then retired, had
been the CIA's director of mind-control experiments." "He told the committee that...several members
of President Nixon's staff had shown 'inappropriate' behavior." Including "crying without
"In other parts of his testimony, Gottlieb did include the President himself among those who
seemed to be affected by some type of unusual influence. Gottlieb stated, "Not too long ago,
in connection with a presidential visit to a potentially hostile country, the President, when
he came back, described some unusual feeling he and others had and asked if I would be able
to give counsel." "(President Nixon visited a 'potentially hostile' country the Soviet Union
in 1972.)"
From audiotape by Dr. Andrija Puharich at an Electromagnetic Conference, September 1987. "We
were able to develop a hearing device that fit under the cap of a tooth and we could hear very clearly
Page 26
from a small little relay and receiver and transmitter and unfortunately it was promptly classified by
an agency of our government. But we did solve the problem in terms of hardware. "About ten years
ago in 1976, no I'm sorry early 1977 I made the basic measurements which showed the elf nature of
elf coming from Russia and that it was psychoactive, that was my finding and I deduced the
chemicals that were released by the frequencies that were being used and I passed that information
onto every intelligence agency we have in this country from the president on down and England and
Canada and all I got was four years of harassment. My house was burned down, I was shot at, they
tried to kill me, they tried to eliminate me, etc., etc., and finally they agreed I was right and in 1981,
the U.S. government went into full scale elf warfare and set up all their big transmitters down under
in Australia and Africa so on and so on and now their in business and everything's classified and you
can't say a god damned thing about it, a tough situation. And you can't get any real information out
of any government agency. And I know all of them that do the work. I know the people who head
the projects etc. When they're in trouble, they usually come ask me. And they classify what I tell
them. Insanity."
From Planetary Association For Clean Energy, 1978, Dr. Andrew Michrowski. "Potentially, almost
anything could be inserted into the target brain mind systems, and such insertions would be
processed by the biosystems as internally-generated data/effects. Words, phrases, images, sensations,
and emotions could be directly inserted and experienced in the biological targets as internal states,
codes, emotions thoughts and ideas," This conclusion developed in part out of research by the
Russian scientist, Litisitsyn's 1968 US Defense Documentation Center paper. Retired Col Tom
Bearden commented on the paper which reported the Soviets "worked out 23 EEG band-wave
lengths, 11 of which were totally independent."
From US Psychotronics Association. Conference 1979 Dr. Beck then read excerpts of a scientific
research paper co-authored by Dr. MA Persinger of Laurentian University, Canada, an expert on elf
radiation. "Human subjects exposed to certain ELF field patterns report sensations of uneasiness,
depression, forboding..." Dr. Beck, a physicist who measured the Soviet Woodpecker signal stated,
we found the Soviet signal coming in like gangbusters.. ...right in the window of human
From Military Review (official publication of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College)
article on "The New Mental Battlefield" Lt. Col. John B. Alexander, U.S. Army, Ph.D.. "(Soviet)
mind-altering techniques, designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced. The procedures
employed include manipulation of human behavior through the use of psychological weapons
effecting sight, sound, smell, temperature, electromagnetic energy, or sensory deprivation." He
further stated, "Soviet researchers, studying controlled behavior, have also examined the effects of
electromagnetic radiation on humans and have applied these techniques against the U.S. Embassy
in Moscow."
Page 27
Also, "Researchers suggest that certain low-frequency (ELF) emissions possess psychoactive
characteristics. These transmissions can be used to induce depression or irritability in a target
population. The application of large-scale ELF behavior modification could have horrendous
From The Weekend Guardian, "Field of Nightmares", Peter Kennard, Feb. 2-3 1991. "In 1982 a US
Air Force Review of Biotechnology stated: Radiofrequeny radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful
and revolutionary anti-personnel military threats...RFR experiments and the increasing understanding
of the brain as an electrically-mediated organ suggests the serious probability that impressed
electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and
or interrogating such behaviour. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the
myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to speed-of light weapons effect.
A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area."
The article further states, "There is little doubt that crowd control devices using Radio Frequency
Radiation do exist. The development of such devices would complement Sonic and infra-red
weapons, which are well known, and were advertised in the British Defense Equipment Catalogue
until 1983. These included the Vaikyrie, an infra-red device causing night blindness and the Squawk
Box or Sound Curdler, developed by the US for use in Viet Nam. The Squawk Box was designed
to induce feelings of giddiness and nausea in the victim, and is highly directional, so that as
individuals are hit by the invisible effect, distress and confusion is spread amongst a crowd." "..In
1984 the Ministry of Defense ordered that all advertisements and references to 'frequency weapons',
be cut from the Defense Catalogue."
From The Body Electric, by R.O. Becker,1985, p 323-4. The Russian Woodpecker signals are
transmitted at frequencies "between 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz" and sounds like a woodpecker or
buzz saw. It is pulse modulated at a rate of several times a second, "in the extreme low frequency
(ELF) range." The Woodpecker acts as an over-the horizon radar. "The signal is maintained at
enormous expense from a current total of seven stations—the seven most powerful radio transmitters
in the world."
From The Boston Globe, July 7, 1989. Larry Collins, author of a fiction book about mind control.
"Collins research on the theories of the paranormal and brain and behavior modification is
impressive. ...He began his writing career as a correspondent for UPI and Newsweek." He
interviewed William Casey, CIA director and asked "Could we influence human emotions and
behavior; are or were such experiments now going on?" "This is not a subject we're going to discuss
with you or anyone else," he quoted Casey as saying. "Casey's pro forma response was enough for
Collins. "I knew I was on the right track."
Page 28
From The Nation, "Zapped? radiation at Greenham Common peace camp", editorial by Louis Slesin,
p313. Nuclear protesters against the placement of cruise missiles at the USAF base in southern
England claim that they were harassed with non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation in order to get
them to stop protesting. In support of their claim, the author, editor of the publication Microwave
News, stated, "In The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, published in 1979, John Marks relates
that in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA told him that it had a roomful of
files on electromagnetic and related techniques to alter behavior and stimulate the brain. The agency
refused to release the papers, and they remain classified." The protesters described agonizing
headaches and unexplained anxiety among other symptoms.
From U.S. News and World Report, U.S. News Investigative Report, Jan 24, 1994, p 34. "The
analogy to brainwashing was obvious to the CIA which provided a $60,000 grant through the
Human-Ecology Society. Nine of Cameron's former patients, who had sought treatment for
depression, alcoholism and other problems at the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University,(in
Canada) where Cameron was director, filed lawsuit against the CIA in 1979. One patient, Rita
Zimmerman, was 'depatterned' with 30 electroshock sessions followed by 56 days of drug-induced
sleep. It left her incontinent; other suffered permanent brain damage, lost their jobs or otherwise
deteriorated. The case, Orlikow v U.S. was settled in 1988 for $750,000."
From The Washington Times, "Mills mixes mind control matters," by Harvey Hagman, October 12,
1990, pE1 James Mills wrote The Power, a fictional account of psychic weapons. "The former UPI
reporter and associate editor of Life magazine says he spent 3 ½ years researching and writing The
Power including ferreting out Defense Intelligence Agency documents and traveling to France and
the Soviet Union. ...So does Mr. Mills really believe 'spiritual warfare' is being waged? "Absolutely,"
he says. and so do the Pentagon and the Kremlin. ...There are documented cases of suspected KGB
paranormal attacks against Nixon and Carter."
Excerpt from Larry King Live September 12, 1990, Transcript 127.
James Mills, author of The Power. "It is based on alot of research. I have three Defense Intelligence
Agency studies that are in large measure an assessment of the Soviet threat in this area. They say that
there is a possibility that Soviet advances in psychic weaponry would enable them to, and there are
direct quotes, 'mold the thoughts at a distance of key military and civilian leaders, cause the death
at a distance of key military and civilian leaders, cause the death at a distance of key military and
civilian leaders, know the contents of top secret documents, troop movements, locations of military
installations.' This report was produced in 1975 so this is what they were worried about then and it
makes you wonder where we have come since then."
Mr. Mills states further, "I know for a fact that the Soviet Union had a mind control device that they
Page 29
said had military applications. They said it was valuable for reducing what they call neural tension
in combat troops and which could certainly be used to reduce the aggressiveness and energy of our
troops. I know that, because I've seen the machine. ...The one I've seen is a very, very old one. ...It
came over from the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s to an American government research lab on the
west coast. ...It used heat, sound, and light radiation, and very high frequency electromagnetic
radiation to affect the central nervous system and affect mental processes."
From The Atlantic, "The Zap Gap", March 1987, Chuck de Caro, p 24-28. "Soviet Military Power,
Department of Defense, "Recent Soviet developments in radio frequency generation devices could
enable them to build weapons to degrade or destroy electronics or cause disorientation of personnel.
They have generated single pulses with peak power exceeding one gigawatt and repetitive pulses
over 100 megawatts." The article also states, "If, going further, an RF pulse could be propagated over
a wide zone, in roughly the same way that radio signals can blanket a city, it might act as an
electronic wall, disabling the silicon brains of any approaching airplane, tank, or missile."
From Crosscurrents,1990, Dr. Becker, p304. "I have made no attempt here to review in any detail
the relationship between military considerations and the hazards of man-made electromagnetic fields.
This complex and dangerous situation lies outside the scope of this book, except for an indication
of how the political policies derived from it have effectively hampered the public recognition of the
hazards. In my opinion, the military establishment still believes that the survival of the military
organism is worth the sacrifice of the lives and health of large segments of the American
From Time, July 30, 1990, Technology,p53, "Hidden Hazards of the Airwaves, An obscure
newsletter uncovers the perils of the information age". "In the current issue of Microwave News,
Slesin has printed what may be his greatest scoop: the key paragraph of a two-year Environmental
Protection Agency Study recommending that so-called extremely low-frequency fields be classified
as 'probable human carcinogens' alongside such notorious chemical toxins as PCBs, formaldehyde
and dioxin.' The recommendation, which could have set off a costly chain of regulatory actions, was
deleted from the final draft after review by the White House Office of Policy Development. "The
EPA thing is a stunner," says Paul Brodeur, a writer for the New Yorker.
"It's a clear case of suppression and politicization of a major health issue by the White House."
The article states further, "Louis Slesin's stories have a tendency to shock. Like the one about the 23
workers of the Bath Iron Works in Bath, Me, who got 'sunburns' one rainy day when someone on a
Navy frigate flicked on the ship's radar. Or the trash fires that start spontaneously from time to time
near the radio and TV broadcast antennas in downtown Honolulu. Or the pristine suburb of Vernon,
NJ., that has both one of the world's highest concentrations of satellite transmitting stations and a
'persistent' and unexplained-cluster of Down's syndrome cases."
Page 30
From The Sacramento Bee, "Energy Chief says U.S. owes radiation victims," Wed Dec. 29, 1993,
pA1. "The U.S. government should compensate victims of radiation testing conducted as part of its
Cold War nuclear program, Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary said Tuesday as disclosures mounted
about extensive experiments involving humans as often-unwitting subjects."
From "Nonlethal Technology and Airpower: A winning Combination for Strategic Paralysis" by Maj.
J. W. Klaaren, USAF and Maj. RS Mitchell, USAF, Air Command and Staff College, 1993, Air
University Press, Center for Aerospace doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base,
Alabama. This article is an excerpt from a research project by the authors et al. It states, "Currently,
the best method of accomplishing this is to have developers of nonlethal weapons (agencies such as
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), military laboratories, and national laboratories)
visit the operational commands. We need to stress how these weapons will be force multipliers and
The article further states, "In 1993, for example, ARPA provided grant money to regional business
alliances. Comprised of civilian-sector businesses and government organizations, these alliances
competed for grants to develop new technologies... The scope of this program could be expanded
to include nonlethal technology..." And also, "Although the United States may choose not to pursue
mind-altering drugs as a weapon, other states may hold a different view. For that reason, it is
imperative that we understand this capability."
The article concludes "We maintain that future conflicts will demand the use of nonlethal warfare
and that aerospace platforms can provide an effective method for the employment of nonlethal
weapons. ...Our research for this article was an eye-opening experience for us." The article lists in
"Table 1 Selected Types, Examples, and Capabilities of Nonlethal Weaponry" and under
"Electromagnetic Electrical interferors (power effects, pulses) degrade/destroy equipment and
The article lists sources including, "Alan W. Debban, "Disabling Technologies and Applications,
" HQ USAF/XOXT background paper, 22 February 1993; Herbert H. Dobbs et al., "Assessment of
Mission Kill Concept, Requirements and Technologies" Washington, DC: Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, September 1990); And finally, in the Notes of the article is the following:
"1. John B. Alexander, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, presentation on nonlethal weapons
and limited-force options, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 27 October 1993."
From Defense Week DW Vol. 14, Nu 46 p1, "Non-lethal Weapons Group Set To Form In March",
Andrew Weinschenk, "The Army plans to appoint a senior advisory group in March to guide
development of 'non-lethal' weapons and draft a first-ever masterplan detailing future doctrine,
training and materiel issues, according to service and industry sources." The article also states, "The
Page 31
Army Research Laboratory's Steve Taulbee, for example, said researchers there have experimented
with a radio-frequency pulsing device. The weapon would disrupt an enemy's internal organs but it
might also permanently destroy the liver.
From Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control
Technology, Claims FBI Considered Testing on Koresh." by Mark Tapscott. "In a series of closed
meetings beginning March 17 in suburban Northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow
Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian's decade-long research on a
computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person's mind without
that person being aware of the source of the thought."
From Defense News, Jan 11-17, 1993, "U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology" by
Barbara Opall, p29. "The Russian authors note that "World opinion is not ready for dealing
appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind."
And further, "The Russian experts, including George Kotov, a former KGB general now serving in
a senior government ministry post, present in their report a list of software and hardware associated
with their psycho-correction program that could be procured for as little as $80,000."
From The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Sept, Oct 1994, "The Soft Kill Fallacy", Steve
Aftergood with Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, p45. "Many of the non-lethal weapons under
consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radiofrequency
radiation or visible light pulsed at brain-wave frequency) for their effects. These weapons
are said to cause temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes, modification
of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or
disruption of internal organ functions in various other ways."
The article further states, "In addition, under the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention,
international discussions are now under way that may lead to the development of specific new
protocols covering electromagnetic weapons; a report is expected sometime next year."
From The Guardian "The Future Art of War", May 25, 1995. Nic Lewer, peace researcher at the
University of Bradford, in the latest issue of Medicine and War, lists "more than 30 different lines
of research into 'new age weapons'..." the article further states, "Some of the research sounds even
less rational. There are, according to Lewer, plans for 'pulsed microwave beams' to destroy enemy
electronics, and separate plans for very-low-frequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel
spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry."
Further the article states, "There are plans for 'mind control' with the use of 'psycho-correction
Page 32
messages' transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for 'psychotronic
weapons' - apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations- and another to use
holographic projection to disseminate propaganda and misinformation."
From Free Thinking, Vol. 1. Number 4, March 1995, "President's Committee on Radiation Hears
Mind Control Survivor's Testimony". "For the first time in history officials heard evidence of the
atrocities of mind control which were committed along with the radiation "research". Ms. Wolf is
among a number of independent researchers around the world who have come up with identical
cases in which survivors of radiation treatment describe life-long mind control abuses at the hands
of the U.S. government."
"While the radiation "research" was conducted under the direction of the Atomic Energy
Commission, many of the same scientists who were involved in the CIA's MKULTRA
program acted as overseers of the radiation experiments. Among these scientists were Dr.
Martin T. Orne, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and Dr. L. Wilson Green." Also, "A licensed sociologist
from New Orleans, Wolf offered her testimony and supporting evidence to the committee
in a hearing on March 15th. Focusing on the 9,000 children who were targets of radiation
experiments conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission and kept secret under the
National Security Act, the precious ten minutes granted Ms. Wolf was a precedent setting
digression from the investigators' agenda."
From Nexus Magazine, "Soul Catcher Implants", Oct/Nov 1996. "British scientists are developing
a concept for a computer chip which, when implanted into the skull behind the eye, will be able to
record a person's every life time thought and sensation. "This is the end of death," said Dr. Chris
Winter of British Telecom's artificial-life team. He predicts that within thirty years it will be possible
to relive other people's lives by playing back their experiences on a computer."
The article further states, "By combining this information with a record of a person's genes, we could
recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually." Dr. Winter and his team of scientists at
BT's Martlesham Heath Laboratories, near Ipswich, call the chip "the Soul Catcher." The author,
David Guyatt states that, "British Telecom, Britain's giant telecommunications enterprise, has a long
history of involvement with the intelligence services." This article quotes it sources as, "The Daily
(London) Telegraph, July 18, 1996.
From USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas Air and Space Power for the 21st
Century, Ancillary Volume, p89. "Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of
knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the
human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be
manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic
energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the
Page 33
human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control
emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and
long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door
for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage
situation, and in training..."
It is interesting to note that two scientists with connections to CIA classified mind control and
psychic research have contributed to this study. Dr. J West, MD Director Emeritus, Neuropsychiatric
Institute, UCLA, School of Medicine, Behavioral biology and Dr. Edwin May, PhD, Science
Applications International Corporation,(SAIC) Physics of Consciousness.
This timeline demonstrates how classified the electromagnetic and mind control technology is.
Scientists have been killed for revealing this technology. They have lost government funding. They
can be prosecuted and or lose their jobs if they reveal national security secrets. And some scientists
have been targeted with the technology and have been unfairly labeled mentally ill.
A similar analogy would be the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government program to build the atomic
bomb. The project used the highest of national security precautions, and few knew of its existence.
Mind control technology is the currently classified weapons program and national security methods
are even more entrenched and developed.
Athermal effects of emr are used as a basis for weapons and is a national security issue. The
controversy over athermal effects of emr is described as a national security issue by top emr
scientists such as Dr. Becker, Dr. Beck and Dr. Zaret, all of whom were consulted by the CIA about
the irradiation of the Moscow Embassy. The U.S. government trusted their judgment in the most
demanding situation, national security matters. HAARP, the U.S. transmitter of the 1990s, part of
a vast weapons system capable of influencing human behavior. The article, "Apocalypse Now?
HAARP or How the US Military is Playing the Sorcerer's Apprentices", by Alain Gossens, Bussels
Telemoustique, 22-5-97 was translated by FBIS from french,(see foia section). The article describes
the controversy surrounding the HAARP project. "Unofficially, HAARP will use the ionosphere,
turning it into an energy weapon." Similar to the Moscow Embassy microwave bombardment and
the Russian Woodpecker, the public is never told what is really going on. It is difficult to not believe
that these are powerful weapons because both countries continue for decades to develop them. Mind
control purposes are equally plausible as other theories such as over- the horizon radar which is
better accomplished by other means, Dr. Becker stated. U.S. cover story of no provable athermal
effects can no longer be credibly maintained by U.S. According to Dr. Becker, consultant to the CIA
in the early 1960s, the Soviets irradiated the Moscow Embassy and U.S citizens with the
Woodpecker signal at great cost and for decades. Dr. Becker described these aggressive acts by the
Soviets and the U.S. as an electronic war on the citizens of both countries. A cover up begins: U.S.
Page 34
government knew of athermal emr effects at least in the 1960s. By basing the U.S. safety standard
for emr exposure on politics rather than scientific evidence, the U.S. government knowingly risked
the health of U.S. citizens. Evidence supports a 'Manhattan Project' mind control program based on
emr athermal effects. The argument can now move to the extent that athermal biological emr weapon
effects are capable of controlling the human body and behavior. Fifty years later, the U.S.
government is on the record for lying about this issue. There is a mind control program more secret
than the Manhattan Project, as Dr. Becker theorized and brain function is based on an athermal emr
biological effects. Very sophisticated technology has been developed to control the mind,
comparable to the atomic bomb. Here is one stunning example of many available examples to show
how far unclasified neurology research has advanced. A logical conclusion, given all of the evidence
presented in this compilation, is that the classified research would make a very powerful mind
control weapon. The article illustrates the convenient cover story that the Soviets have mind control
research, that brain research for weapons purposes is classified and that emr athermal effects are the
basis of mind control weapons. The stunning information is that the U.S. military is funding research
to make a device for "inject[ing] information into the brain via electromagnetic waves." U.S. News,
1-3-2000, John Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in
Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the
mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large.
[He] coined the term "Biofusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the brain] leading to
advances in ...national security... and ...would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands
by deciphering the brain's electrical activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by
using mathematical models, [Smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models also]. It sound
crazy,...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, ...have all awarded...research contracts to Norseen. Norseen is waiting to hear if
the second stage of these contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen's theories
are grounded in current science. ...By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time
of the recording...Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain's electrical activity.
...Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to draw
upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping breakthroughs to allow that
communication to take place in a less invasive way. A modified helmut could record a pilot's
brainwaves. "When you say right 090 degrees...the computer would see that electrical pattern in the
brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090 degrees and was
thinking "080 degrees," the helmut would detect the error, then inject the right number via
electromagnetic waves." An Electronic War starting with the Moscow Embassy: Serious
Implications for the World Besides the need to stop illegal government emr weapons experiments,
it is important to educate the public because of the far-reaching global effects surrounding this issue.
Page 35
Torturers are arming themselves with increasingly sophisticated equipment, and -- according to a
report released by Amnesty International 2000 -- the trade in these devices is growing.
The equipment includes high voltage electric shock stun weapons and chemical crowd control
devices, while torturers continue to abuse old-style equipment such as restraint devices.
Amnesty International's report, 'Stopping The Torture Trade', reveals that the international trade in
high voltage electro-shock batons, shields, stun guns, and stun belts has been expanding throughout
the 1990s. This includes 'tasers', which can shoot 'fishhook' darts on wires into victims up to thirty
feet away, and stun belts, which are strapped to prisoners and operated by remote control devices.
The belts have been known to set off accidentally thrusting about 50,000 volts through the prisoners'
kidneys for up to eight seconds. This technology began in the United States, and has spread to Asia,
Europe and South Africa. "In the 1970s there were only two companies known to market high
voltage electro-shock stun weapons, and now there are over 150 world-wide," said Brian Wood, one
of the Amnesty International researchers who worked on the report. "In the absense of stringent
controls to prevent this equipment ending up in the hands of torturers, responsible governments
must ban its export immediately," he added. In the last two years, over 150 companies operating in
22 countries have been making or marketing electro-shock weapons. Now, Taiwanese, South Korean
and Chinese companies probably manufacture more electro-shock stun weapons than companies in
the USA. German, French and Israeli companies are also amongst the Brazilian, and South African
firms have joined in. The German government does not allow the weapons to be used in German
prisons or by German police on German residents, but allows German companies to market and sell
them for use abroad. The South African government is now actively promoting the sale of electroshock
belts in Asia, as well as using them on prisoners at home.
In one case cited in the report, Mohammed Naguib Adu-Higazi was arrested in Alexandria, Egypt,
in 1997 by a State Security Investigations officer. While held at the SSI office, he was stripped of
his clothes and given electro-shocks from a "cylinder-shaped stick with a spiral metal wire." He was
reportedly deprived of food for three days, kept blind-folded throughout his nine-day detention, and
threatened with sexual assault. Between 1997 and March 2000, the United States approved the
export to Egypt of shock batons, stun guns and optical sighting devices valued at more than $40,000.
'Stopping The Torture Trade' , one of a series of reports to be released in Amnesty International's
year-long campaign to Stop Torture , also highlights the trade by more than 40 companies in more
conventional security devices that can be used for serious abuse of human rights, such as mechanical
restraints and chemical sprays.
Page 36
Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA:
Electronic implants in brain and teeth
Targeting: Long range
Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction
Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver implants
Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations
Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.
Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.
Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:
Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB
Targeting: Short range, in person
Frequencies: ELF Modulation
Transmission, and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies
Purpose: Top security personnel debreifing, programming, insure security and loyalty
Pseudonym: "Dreamland"
MK-DELTA, 1960, CIA:
Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal programming
Targeting: Long Range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Television antennae, radio antennae, power lines, mattress spring coils,
modulation on 60 Hz wiring.
Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general population
Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behaviordysfunction and social criminality, mood swings
Pseudonym: "Deep Sleep", R.H.I.C.
Page 37
Location: Montauk, Long Island
Electronic multi-directional targeting of select population groups
Targeting: Medium range
Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF UHFmodulated
Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt
Purpose: Loading of Earth Grids, planetary sonombulescence to stave off geological activity,
specific-point earthquake creation, population programming for sensitized individuals
Pseudonym: "Rainbow", ZAP
Electronic directed targeting of individuals or populations
Targeting: Large population groups assembled
Display: Black helicopters flying in triad formation of three
Power: 100,000 watts
Frequency: UHF
Purpose: Large group management and behavior control, riot control
Allied Agencies: FEMA
Pseudonym: "Black Triad" A.E.M.C
RF MEDIA, 1990, CIA:
Electronic, multi-directional subliminal suggestion and programming
Location: Boulder, Colorado (Location of main cell telephone node, national television
synchronization node)
Targeting: national population of the United States
Frequencies: ULF VHF HF Phasemodulation
Power: Gigawatts
Implementation: Television and radiocommunications, the "videodrome" signals
Purpose: Programming and triggering behavioral desire, subversion of psychic abilities of
population, preparatory processing for mass electromagnetic control
Pseudonym: "Buzz Saw" E.E.M.C.
TOWER, 1990, CIA, NSA:
Electronic cross country subliminal programming and suggestion
Targeting: Mass population, short-range intervals, long-range cumulative
Frequencies: Microwave, EHF SHF
Methodology: Cellular telephone system,ELF modulation
Purpose: Programming through neural resonance and encoded information
Effect: Neural degeneration, DNA resonance modification, psychic suppression
Pseudonym: "Wedding Bells"
Page 38
Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control
Location: Gakona, Alaska
Frequencies: Atmospheric phase-locked resonant UHF VHF
Potential: DNA code alteration in population and mass behavior modification
Power: Giga-watt to Tera-watt range
Step-Down reflective frequencies: Approx 1.1 GHz, Human DNA resonant frequency, cellular
system phase-lock
Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control
Location: Nationwide
Frequencies: Emotional wavelengths, data gathering through helocopter probes following media
events - rebroadcast in order to restimulate population emotional levels for recreation of event
scenarios. Ref: LE#108, March 1998
Potential: Mass behavior modification
Power: Unknown. Possibly rebroadcast through GWEN network or cellular tower frequencies,
coordinated from NBS in Colorado.
Secret Experiments by the United States Government
on Involuntary, Unwitting Citizens
by Injection and Feeding of Radioactive Materials
The purposes of this 1995 testimony transcript posting are:
To show the public that brutal, painful, life- destroying and sometimes fatal experiments were
carried out, involuntarily, on innocent U.S. citizens without their knowledge. This supports
the assertions by mind control victims of both the MKULTRA era and the current inhome/
in-community psycho-electronic era that this is not only possible but has been proven
and admitted to by government.
To present some of the testimony at the hearings from mind control victims of the MKULTRA
era who were allowed to testify at the 1995 radiation hearings, in particular, the torture of
Page 39
CHILDREN which was omitted by the U.S. Senate hearings on MKULTRA.
To show that there is an urgent need for LAWS and political will to set up public controls over
all classified human experimentation to prevent such atrocities in the future.
There are no such controls in place, and the United States has in fact EXITED the World War II
Nuremburg Protocols which were supposed to prevent secret human experimentation in the future.
Senator John Glenn tried to replace the Nuremburg Protocols with his own Senate bill S.193, which
died due to inaction after his being given a space shuttle ride and retiring. There are at present NO
public oversight agencies monitoring CLASSIFIED (secret) human experimentation and this posting
is to trumpet the need for this type of protection most urgently.
Surveillance: A Most Unreasonable Search and Seizure
1. Everyone's right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life
intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for
which this penalty is provided by law.
2. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it
results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary:
(a) in defence of any person from unlawful violence;
(b) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained;
(c) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Page 40
1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
3. For the purpose of this Article the term "forced or compulsory labour" shall not include:
(a) any work required to be done in the ordinary course of detention imposed according to the
provisions of Article 5 of this Convention or during conditional release from such detention;
(b) any service of a military character or, in case of conscientious objectors in countries where
they are recognised, service exacted instead of compulsory military service;
(c) any service exacted in case of an emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of
the community;
(d) any work or service which forms part of normal civic obligations.
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty
save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law:
(a) the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;
(b) the lawful arrest or detention of a person for non-compliance with the lawful order of a court
or in order to secure the fulfilment of any obligation prescribed by law;
(c) the lawful arrest or detention of a person effected for the purpose of bringing him before the
competent legal authority on reasonable suspicion of having committed an offence or when it is
reasonably considered necessary to prevent his committing an offence or fleeing after having
done so;
(d) the detention of a minor by lawful order for the purpose of educational supervision or his
lawful detention for the purpose of bringing him before the competent legal authority;
(e) the lawful detention of persons for the prevention of the spreading of infectious diseases, of
persons of unsound mind, alcoholics or drug addicts or vagrants;
(f) the lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent his effecting an unauthorised entry into
Page 41
the country or of a person against whom action is being taken with a view to deportation or
2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he understands, of
the reasons for his arrest and of any charge against him.
3. Everyone arrested or detained in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1(c) of this
Article shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise
judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release pending trial.
Release may be conditioned by guarantees to appear for trial.
4. Everyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take
proceedings by which the lawfulness of his detention shall be decided speedily by a court and his
release ordered if the detention is not lawful.
5. Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the provisions of
this Article shall have an enforceable right to compensation.
1. In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him,
everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and
impartial tribunal established by law. Judgment shall be pronounced publicly but the press and
public may be excluded from all or part of the trial in the interest of morals, public order or
national security in a democratic society, where the interests of juveniles or the protection of the
private life of the parties so require, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court
in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interests of justice.
2. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty
according to law.
3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights:
(a) to be informed promptly, in a language which he understands and in detail, of the nature and
cause of the accusation against him;
(b) to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence;
(c) to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not
sufficient means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free when the interests of justice so
Page 42
(d) to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and
examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him;
(e) to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used
in court.
1. No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which
did not constitute a criminal offence under national or international law at the time when it was
committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time
the criminal offence was committed.
2. This Article shall not prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission
which, at the time when it was committed, was criminal according to the general principles of
law recognised by civilised nations.
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such
as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of
national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of
disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and
freedoms of others.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes
freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others
and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and
2. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are
prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for
the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of
Page 43
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold
opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority
and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of
broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be
subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are
necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or
public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for
the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information
received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with
others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed
by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public
safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the
protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This Article shall not prevent the imposition of
lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, of the police
or of the administration of the State.
Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to
the national laws governing the exercise of this right.
The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without
discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other
Page 44
Nothing in Articles 10, 11 and 14 shall be regarded as preventing the High Contracting Parties
from imposing restrictions on the political activity of aliens.
Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any
right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
freedoms set forth herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the
The restrictions permitted under this Convention to the said rights and freedoms shall not be
applied for any purpose other than those for which they have been prescribed.
By Rev. Terry-ana Robinson, MC -
[email protected]
By Spring 2004, an invasive mind control technology known as a "Frequency Fence" is slated for
implementation onto global society. This Frequency Fence is a bio-neurological, electromagnetic
induced form of mind control which will block your higher sensory abilities. A literal "perceptual
harness" or "mental prison" will be built around you without you even knowing it is happening, and
the scariest part is, your five senses will not alert to you that anything is wrong.
All electrical power generating stations, and the appliances that draw power from them will be
utilized as a carrier for this electromagnetic distortion. The human body has a natural immunity
against such invasion, which the instigators of this technology will repress by introducing a certain
organic, elemental compound into the world's water supply, and by transmitting specific wave
spectrums of light directly into the human optical faculties. Technologies such as broadcast
television, and the internet, will be utilized to transmit the specific wave spectrums of light.
Further invasive programming will be subliminally carried through all radio broadcasts, and through
the cellular and digital telephone network of towers worldwide. This will serve to enhance this bioPage
neurological invasion even further. After 6 years, this Frequency Fence will cause a genetic mutation
to manifest in the collective human gene pool which will be passed down through pro-creation,
thereby permanently scarring humanity.
There is no known technological defense against this invasion and there will be no place to hide.
This technology will block your higher sensory abilities which will serve to limit your human
potential. The blockage of human intuition or your "gut instinct" will be just one of many natural
abilities which will be impeded. Another will be your ability to commune with your "Higher Self"
or God, systematically cutting you off from your God Source. This is a system that is so insidious
that even the elite will be deceived even though some components of this global mind control system
are being created by that very elite Another aspect of this bio-neurological invasion will be the
creation and implementation of "Holographic Inserts" by 2006. It involves a technology so advanced
that three-dimensional reality can be artificially manufactured and inserted right over your present
reality scene in a seamless fashion so you will be unable to determine where organic reality ends, and
manipulated, artificial reality begins. This could be compared to the "holo-deck" on the popular
television series, Star Trek - The Next Generation, only in this case it¹s not science fiction.
The plot thickens, in that the instigators of this coming bio-neurological manipulation are counting
on you to not even believe in their existence. They are depending on you to have a kind of mentality
which suggests that what you can not see or perceive with your five senses does not exist, and
therefore cannot affect you. If you do not know an enemy exists, you will not take measures to
protect yourself from it. The reality of the situation is quite the opposite. These forces presently
poised against you posses a level of technology which surpasses present earth science. Their bioneurological
invasion can definitely affect you and hinder your evolution as a species in more ways
than you can presently comprehend, making them an absolute threat to your over all well being.
These covert sinister forces are "master geneticists" who are partially human, partially non-human,
and extraterrestrial (ET). Some are genetic half breeds that appear fully human in appearance but in
reality are human hybrids of ET origin. If your present belief system limits your ability to accept the
possibility of beings from other worlds, simply replace ET with the term demon. Because in all right,
what these beings intend to do is nothing less than demonic in the truest sense.
Through the "human elite" these ET Intruders dominate and control society through such
organizations as the Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations, and the United Nations, to name just
a few. These negative factions are largely responsible for the present manipulations humanity is
living under. This includes the present "police state" which has been accelerated to deal with the
human resistance factor. It also includes most of the government and quasi-government agencies
created in the 20th century.
If you ever wondered how our country, and ultimately our world society became the way it is, all you
have to do is look to the ET Intruders who have been playing humanity against itself for countless
generations. By keeping humanity divided, it has less time and inclination to notice who the real
manipulators are. As long as we are kept busy and economically enslaved, the majority of humanity
will not take notice of what¹s really important.
What is really important now is understanding as much of the big picture that is possible. This way
you can begin to protect yourself from the coming deceptions which are slated to begin in 2004.
Page 46
There is still time for you to intervene on your own behalf and literally make yourself immune to the
coming Frequency Fence and Holographic Inserts. There is no known external technological defense,
but there is a way that you can accelerate a natural process within your present genetic code so when
the bio-neurological manipulations begin, they will not affect you. We posses the most powerful
protective "weapon" of all the human mind/body/spirit organism. We simply need to learn how to
use it properly.
The human DNA has a 12 strand potential. Most humans only have strands 1, 2 and 3 fully activated,
and strand 4 partially assembled but not yet activated. In order to make yourself "invisible" to the
coming bio-neurological invasion, you must have a minimum of 4 strands fully activated, and strand
5 at least half assembled. This will require a certain level of interpersonal development and
acceleration on your part.
There are steps you can take to accelerate the growth of your DNA strands. If you have not already
done so, work towards strengthening your personal relationship with God, or your "Higher Power."
Refuse to accept victim consciousness, or ideologies which promote a sense of personal disempowerment.
Work to develop your hidden potentials and higher abilities. Take time to examine
your personal beliefs about reality. Realize that thoughts are things, literally. Negative thoughts help
to generate negative realities. Rigid, dogmatic, fearful, closed-minded beliefs become literal
electromagnetic blockages. Learn to think for yourself rather than give your power away to authority
figures without question.
Strengthen your mind and exercise your mental muscles. Begin using "mind technologies" that work
to enhance mental and emotional development. Some helpful techniques are meditation, and the use
of affirmations, visualizations, self-hypnosis, bio-feedback, and dream reprogramming. All of these
activities will help you to strengthen your mind and help you to call your higher potentials into use.
Strengthen your body with exercise and/or yoga. A diet containing less chemical additives, red
meats, caffeine, drugs, alcohol, salt, sugar and artificial sweeteners will help immensely. Also try
to avoid irradiated and over processed foods. The body is also strengthened by conscious breathing
and controlled breath exercises.
Learn to heal your past. Holding grudges and resentment against others will only serve to limit your
higher development. Work to heal your emotions. Contemporary emotional clearing work can
facilitate the releasing of blocked energy centers in the physical body which can serve to rapidly
accelerate DNA strand development. Seriously reevaluate your personal ideas about the issue of ET
visitation and support those who are petitioning for the government to release data on UFO activity.
Realize that much information regarding these subjects has been purposely withheld from the public
for reasons of national security. This knowledge now freely circulates within unofficial networks.
If you seek out this information you'll find an overwhelming body of knowledge which supports the
premise of an active ET visitation scenario.
Seek to empower yourself through "leading edge" knowledge, for this will be your greatest asset in
this coming confrontation. Use it wisely and share it with others so that a critical mass can be
achieved before 2004. If at least 8% of the global population is able to embody 4.5 strands or higher
within their operational DNA code, the Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert Technology will
Page 47
be disabled globally, and the Intruder ET's bio-neurological manipulations will fail. In order to
achieve this 8% goal, everyone who has the calling must work rapidly to embody as many of the
aforementioned techniques, or other personal practices which they feel can assist DNA strand
development, into their daily practice. The ET Intruders are convinced that collective humanity will
not rise to this occasion and succeed in achieving this 8% critical mass by 2004. The American
Revolution was fought and won by a small minority of patriots who were willing to stand for what
they believed in and through this conviction advanced technology on their side, but they are petrified
of the awesome power of the human spirit. This is the very reason why they wish to block our
connection to God, because this is where we draw our greatest power from.
Many of you have already taken steps in reclaiming your personal sovereignty by refusing to accept
so-called government benefits in place of God-given rights, and through the process of Redemption.
The next level of your awakening is to take the necessary steps to ensure that your spiritual
sovereignty is not stolen away from you.
Rev. Terry-ana Robinson, MC and partner Rev. Ayeisha (Isha) Doellgast, MC, of the Melchizedek
Cloister, are founders of ISA (International Sovereignty Alliance). They currently offer resources for
reclaiming your personal and spiritual sovereignty, including advanced techniques for accelerating
DNA growth.
Contact them at: ISA, P.O. Box 149, Kapaa, Hawaii [96746]. Phone: 808-937-4350 Fax: 760-281-
In an article entitled "Non-Lethal Weapons May Violate Treaties",[13] the author notes that the
Certain Conventional Weapons Convention[14] covers many of the non-conventional
weapons?"those that utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or
radiofrequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brainwave frequency) for their effects".
Harlan Girard, Managing Director of the International Committee Against Offensive Microwave
Weapons, told me he believes the strategy behind the government's recent push for less-than-lethal
weapons is a subterfuge. The ones that are now getting all the publicity are put up for scrutiny to get
the public's approval. The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies are not mentioned, but would
be brought in later under the umbrella of less-than- lethal weapons.
These weapons were recently transferred from the Department of Defense over to the Department
of Justice. Why? Because there are several international treaties that specifically limit or exclude
weapons of this nature from being used in international warfare.
In other words, weapons that are barred from use against our country's worst enemies
(notwithstanding the fact that the US did use this weapon against Iraqi troops!) can now be used
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against our own citizens by the local police departments against such groups as peaceful protestors
of US nuclear policies.
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects
the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can
control the minds of men-all men.
There is evidence that the US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to
envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the
nearly completed HAARP project[15,16] for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place
in the US. The US Government denies all this.
Dr Michael Persinger is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Laurentian University,
Ontario, Canada. You have met him before in the pages of Resonance where we reported on his
findings that strong electromagnetic fields can affect a person's brain.
Temporal lobe stimulation," he said, "can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and
perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject's memory, including nightmares
and monsters that are normally suppressed."[17]
These pages is mostly research for the defense of all the rights of those who love their freedoms in
the home and anywhere else they go. The illegal privacy invasion doomsday cult is stalking all those who aren't
for world conquest and the shadow invisible government.
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